10 Things To Stop Wasting Time On
Negative thoughts about your current situation. – Life is a mirror. So talk about your blessings more than your problems. Just because you’re struggling doesn’t mean you’re failing. Every great success that comes in your life will require a struggle.
The drama around you. Quickly walk away from the gossip around you.
Comparison to everyone else. Comparison is the thief of happiness.
Who you were or what you had in the past. You aren’t the same person you were a year ago, a month ago, or even a week ago. You’re always growing.
Wasting your energy on the mistakes you’ve made. We all mess up, that’s how you get wiser. Give yourself a break and don’t give up on yourself. Use your mistakes as your motivation, not your excuses. Make it a point right now to not let negative experiences from your past predict your future.
Worrying about what everyone thinks and says about you. Rarely do people say things because of you; they say things because of them. You can choose how you react to what is said and who you choose to be around.
Self-deception. – Your life will improve only when you take small chances. And the first and most difficult chance you can take is to be honest with yourself.
Someone else’s definition of success and happiness. Don’t base your idea of success and happiness on other people’s opinions and expectations.
Band-Aids and temporary fixes. You can’t change what you refuse to confront. You can’t find peace by avoiding things. Deal with your shit directly before they deal with your long-term happiness.
Regrets. You aren’t defined by the things you once did or didn’t do. Don’t let yourself be controlled by regret. Leave the unchangeable past behind you as you give yourself to the present moment.